21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe


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http://gizmodo.com/5984787/police-raided-a-guys-house-because-he-posted-a-picture-of-a-toy-mortar-on-facebook?utm_campaign=socialflow_gizmodo_facebook&utm_source=gizmodo_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow When conducting a raid on a location it is a good idea to gather as much information about the site and the occupants as possible.  Check out the history of the people expected to be inside the location.  Check out the nature of the complaint that is the basis of the raid. In this instance someone posted a picture on Facebook.  The photo showed a man with a military mortar in the background of the photo.  The problem is the man was a GI Joe action figure and it was a toy mortar.  A quick inspection of the photo would show a game controller and wall molding that clearly indicate that it was a photo of toys. The police raided the location looking for military weapons.  That is a high stress environment.  That could have led to the accidental death of the suspect, or even an officer.  A little more intelligence gathering would have been a good idea; that's what the SGT Says.

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