30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Mass Casualty Event

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Since police are out in the field patrolling, we are usually the first ones on scene in a mass casualty event. It can be a bus crash, passenger train derailment, plane crash, active shooter, explosion, or any number of incidents. Your first problem is to determine scene safety. Is there fire, an active shooter on the loose, additional bombs likely to go off or toxic substances leaking into the air?

If it's an active shooter the first duty of law enforcement is to locate and stop the shooter. Leave other tasks for follow on officers. Wait until there are three or four officers to confront one active shooter. Bring rifles or shotguns if possible. Wear ballistic helmets and hard body armor if available. If the active shooter is no longer a threat, consider that many active shooters have also deployed bombs, with the intent of killing first responders.
When you are reasonably sure the scene is safe or if there are enough officers to handle the shooter, determine the approximate number of victims in need of care. EMS will need to know in order to respond enough paramedics, ambulances and air ambulances to evacuate the wounded. They will also have to notify local, even regional hospitals. At first, just get a gross count, even an estimate if there are hundreds or thousands of victims., that's what the SGT Says.

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