22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

NY Times tells us - "Who Makes It Into the Middle Class"

It sure isn't a worry for the wealthy white male Republican. [Who Makes It Into the Middle Class]. I added the Republican part because it applies to Democrats too - it is just that the Republicans of their leadership see themselves as entitled to their wealth merely because of their birth. To hear them tell it - they are who they are because of their efforts. They didn't have help from anyone nor any government program. And if you are not able to do what they have done then you are lazy and irresponsible.

Never mind that their family's wealth put them in the position of going to the best public schools or private schools. That wealth insured that they were able to go to the best colleges. That wealth insured that they would have jobs without a struggle. That wealth insured that their family would never want.

And who is it that feels entitled?

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